
::: Mimpikan Yang Kau Mau dan Kejarlah Impianmu Itu :::

Some Quotes from Twivortiare Jumat, Maret 28, 2014

Apa kalian pernah baca Twivortire ? novelnya Mba Ika Natassa. Recomended banget deh pokoknya ;D novelnya Ika Natassa. Ceritanya tentang alex dan beno, mereka dulu pernah bercerai lalu rujuk lagi. Sebenernya ini terusan dari novel Ika Natassa sebelumnya yang judulnya Divortiare. Check this out :)

1.  It's easy to find someone whom you laugh with, but it's not easy to find someone whom you can endure the sadness together with."

2. Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It's almost like getting a tatoo. You think and you think and you think and you think before you get one. And once you get one, it's stick to you hard and deep.”
3. Sometimes the greatest moment of your life present itself in the form if a nearness to someone you love.”
4. Marriage equals work. It doesnt just happen. There will never be anyone whom we can call a perfect match.”
5. Everybody's different, and in dealing with differences, egos play a huge part.Kita gak bisa maksain orang supaya sama kayak kita. Trima aj perbedaan itu sebagai perbedaan kepribadian. Asalkan gak melanggar values kita,diterima aj
6. People are human, not some machine we can control. Main rule-nya: jangan jadiin differences itu alasan untuk ngeluarin emosi dan starting a conflict.
7. LDR is fucking expensive!
8. The simplest things in life are what makes us happy eventually. A warm and comfy home, being loved, and knowing that somebody can’t live without you
9. Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It’s almost like getting a tattoo. You think and you think and you think and you think before you get one. And once you get one, it sticks to you hard and deep.”
10. Hahahaha, so watching him giving a lecture is an aphrodisiac?

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